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Old 04-13-2006, 12:14 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by moses on his site
Salem Hill - Aceldama
Not many have undertaken the task of writing about the crucifixion from the point of view of Judas. Leave it to Salem Hill.
Another excellent Judas point-of-view song about the Passion is U2's "Until the End of the World."

Originally Posted by moses on his site
Rick Altizer - When You Walked Up That Hill
I'm not sure how high the hill was but it is interesting that it was not within the Jerusalem city walls. This complies with the Old Testament dictate that sacrifices should be outside of the city.
Great song. Rick Altizer happens to be tremendously talented and great friends with another Christian, Adrian Belew. Belew has produced all Altizer's albums. This track is amazing vocally, lyrically, and musically. Rick is playing acoustic guitar down the center, while both Rick and Adrian are playing electric e-bow flourishes and solos at the same time, one in the right channel and one in the left.

Originally Posted by moses on his site
Third Day - Thief
Here's a song written from another unique viewpoint - the forgiven thief (no relation to the Pineapple Thief apparently) who was crucified at the same time as Jesus. Being forgiven may just have made his painful death a bit more bearable.
I swear Mac Powell sounds just like Travis Tritt.
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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