Thread: Reaction?
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Old 10-19-2005, 07:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Yesspaz
Yo Moses, what's your opinion (if any) of Medeski, Martin, and Wood?
I really enjoy some of John Medeski's keyboard work, particularly the earlier hammond stuff. Billy Martin is an inventive (if not innovative) drummer. Chris Wood... Well he plays the bass quite well, doesn't he? I haven't seen them since 2002 so things might have changed, but they used to be quite a formidable live act. I heard one show with Charlie Hunter sitting in on guitar and it was simply AMAZING.

That said, I stopped getting into their music somewhere around Tonic. I kept trying to like them, but it seems that their newer (drug influenced?) directions don't move me quite like their older stuff, particularly It's A Jungle In Here, Shack-Man, and the wonderful A Go-Go (where they are John Scofield's backing band).
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