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progdirjim 12-10-2016 06:00 PM

A message from Tom regarding the Gagliarchives
cut and pasted from the Gagliarchives Facebook page:


A message to our listeners...
To the loyal listeners & followers of the program:
The live radio program will be taking a hiatus due to extenuating circumstances beyond our control. This also has brought us to reevaluate the future of the radio program for better or for worse. In the meantime, you will still hear the radio program on Saturday nights through our terrestrial FM radio outlets, 88.9/95.1/100.7FM in South Jersey/Philadelphia/Jersey Shore, and online at & on Saturday nights at 10PM EST, and replayed Tuesday mornings at 11AM EST at
What many of you may not know, was that earlier this year we lost 50% of our foundation when our backups and main drives to what make us what we are, crashed. This in turn resulted in the loss of much of our in-studio production including our music programming of new releases, our rare vinyl record transfers, some of our rare recordings collected over the years, and in general, our radio program formatting. This was a devastating loss we are still trying to recover from. Many years of work was lost.
But we did not let it affect the spirit of the program and in the true meaning of the word 'progressive', we forcefully pushed forward, albeit limping, to what we could fall back on in our radio program structure in our ever changing historical database. What started in a calendar book, has become the lifeblood to what we do on a weekly basis this year, despite the financial hit this put upon us.
There is a silver lining. We are happy that our experiment this year worked to a certain degree. We devoted much of 2016 to our music database archive in celebrating the album and live anniversaries, birthday tributes, bringing new music unheard, and the anniversaries of events that occurred on our radio program including our 1500th broadcast most recently. This shift in programming was to test our database we have been continuously building for the last 26 years. And, in our eyes, it was a success for a dry run of what a 24 hour true progressive rock radio station would entail. Hence, our extended weekly broadcasts you may have noticed in the last year.
We understand that many of you wanted to hear more guest interviews with bands and artists in our wonderful and dynamic genre, both established and upcoming. We have heard your many comments, suggestions and requests, and they have not been ignored. Your words have truly humbled us in many ways. We have learned how much our program has an impact on you, our listeners. But it is now time to re-evaluate and take stock in where we are on this simple, yet physically complex radio program on Saturday nights for the last 21 years. We need to gut parts of our damaged foundation and start anew.
But there are still wonderful parts to this structure with an arsenal of things that can't be recreated or imitated that hang on the walls. Many, many great moments we can look back on until we decide on what we will do with the program.
The radio program will be cocooning in the meantime with hopefully a metamorphic return in the not too distant future.
As of now, the voting for the GlobalProgressive Rock Network will be held in late December. Updates will follow for that.
In the meantime, thank you. Thank you so much for listening and enjoy what you hear in the meantime. We love you all sincerely.

nsgobbi 12-13-2016 07:40 PM

Re: A message from Tom regarding the Gagliarchives
I'm concerned here reading these lines, but absolutely understand your stand, after such a terrible material loss, and I guess, not only this, maybe.
I'm still a loyal listener, I learnt to like the AM, knew most of the marvellous people who hangs around, simply because I was surfing the musical net on a 2011 Saturday ...
What makes the Gags community great are not physical assets but feelings.
And make no mistake, these ones are 100% safe forever.
Just be strong and keep on going on, Tom Gagliardi.

podakayne 12-13-2016 08:07 PM

Re: A message from Tom regarding the Gagliarchives
take the time to do what you must do

"and i will wait for you
until the sky is blue
and i will wait for you,
what else can i do"

be safe, be sure
much affection Tom & crew

thanks Jim for this post

VAXman 12-14-2016 08:36 AM

Re: A message from Tom regarding the Gagliarchives
That's why backups are so essential! ;)

Tom, don't allow this discourage you that so much was lost. Aural Moon does have many of your shows and I'd be willing to make their content available to you. It's certainly not a replacement for everything you may have lost but it might help to bridge some gaps. Let me know.

mariocc 12-15-2016 06:19 PM

Re: A message from Tom regarding the Gagliarchives
Best wishes Tom G ! the best show I ve ever heard ,,fantastic good taste and vibe

emperorken 12-16-2016 07:35 PM

Re: A message from Tom regarding the Gagliarchives
As a long time fan of The Gagliarchives, I can only wish the best for Tom and hope that the show continues into eternity.

mariocc 12-17-2016 07:10 PM

Re: A message from Tom regarding the Gagliarchives
once again my great amigo KEN saying wise and great words,,,especially `into eternity `,,, cheers my amigos and cheers TOM G !

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