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Magic Mountain 11-18-2011 03:44 PM

NDV Leaves Spock's Beard
Here is an excerpt from Nick's website:

"The time has come.

It is very hard for me to write this, but as all good things come to an end at sometime or another, unfortunately I have to tell you all that my time with Spock’s Beard has come to a close."

Terrible news. I hope it isn't the end for the band. I guess they could get portnoy to replace him.

Here is the full text of the announcement:

emperorken 11-18-2011 03:55 PM

Re: NDV Leaves Spock's Beard
IMO SB was never the same after Neal left

NorCalKurt 11-18-2011 05:03 PM

Re: NDV Leaves Spock's Beard
Good for Nick. Time to make some real money. Sure isn't in Prog Rock.

Mike413 11-18-2011 09:39 PM

Re: NDV Leaves Spock's Beard
I saw this on PE. What a bummer. I guess Jimmy Keegan could take over as full time drummer then they'll just need a singer. According to Nick's website it looks like the band will continue. Sometimes we all have to make tough decisions in life. It seems like this was one for Nick. I've met him in person and he seems like a cool guy but still it's sad to see him go.

VERNIXX 11-21-2011 09:23 AM

Re: NDV Leaves Spock's Beard
Ted Leonard and Jimmy Keegan OFFICIALLY join the Beard:

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