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OverHillandDale 10-23-2011 08:27 AM

COTM Feature #30 - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
Greetings my friends.

Corner of the Mooniverse will be exploring the music of Denmark's Burnin' Red Ivanhoe this week (Oct. 24-28). This early Jazz/Rock ensemble laid a foundation for many groups to follow. Founded by Karsten Vogel, they produced three excellent albums between 1969 and 1972. You may know Karsten Vogel from his next group: Secret Oyster.

Swing on by the Corner - Monday @ 1200, Wednesday @0500, and Friday @ 2100 (all e.s.t.). I hope to see you there.

mailotron 10-24-2011 12:43 PM

Re: COTM Feature #30 - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
Merci Dale, great show !
For the moonies interested by B.R.I. material :
LPs are rare, the first five were issued by the SONET label from 1969 to 1974
The first 3 lps were reissued by SONET in 1979 and 1980
LP 2, 3 a,d 4 were released by telefunken in germany
LP 2 was releasedby Steside in France
LP 2 and 3 in UK by Warner (2)and Dandelion :-( (3)
NO cd references available to me , unfortunately :-(

OverHillandDale 10-24-2011 02:08 PM

Re: COTM Feature #30 - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe

Originally Posted by mailotron (Post 47309)
Merci Dale, great show !
For the moonies interested by B.R.I. material :
LPs are rare, the first five were issued by the SONET label from 1969 to 1974
The first 3 lps were reissued by SONET in 1979 and 1980
LP 2, 3 a,d 4 were released by telefunken in germany
LP 2 was releasedby Steside in France
LP 2 and 3 in UK by Warner (2)and Dandelion :-( (3)
NO cd references available to me , unfortunately :-(

Thanks, Mailo.

I had mentioned in the show that John Peel had signed BRI to a deal for his Dandelion Records label and with Terry Reeves produced and released the 2nd and 3rd LP. Sonet released the 1st album and 4th and later lps. Sonet also handled rereleases of all of the original albums.

I believe the other labels were strickly for distribution purposes.

Wahalla Records did release one of the CD's that were a combination of the 2nd & 3rd album.

Thanks for the info, mailo.


mailotron 10-24-2011 02:53 PM

Re: COTM Feature #30 - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
thx for info Dale :-)

VERNIXX 10-25-2011 10:00 AM

Re: COTM Feature #30 - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
I enjoyed the show (as I always do!!) band for me. Really enjoyed their sound...really like the psychedelic and bluesey elements of the band.
good show Dale...looking forward to the Nucleus!

OverHillandDale 10-28-2011 06:51 AM

Re: COTM Feature #30 - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
Hi folks. Sounds like people enjoyed being introduced to Burnin' Red Ivanhoe. Thank you for your kind words, Vernixx and Mailo.

If you missed it - tonight is the last chance to catch it. Show airs at 2100 e.s.t. I hope to see you in chat, then.

We've got Nucleus and some Halloween fun on Monday.

See you around the Corner.


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