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DanDare 06-28-2009 07:40 PM

Acidente on AuralMoon - Albums you can listen now (downloadable stuff)

As not a rare event, I discovered a band i didnt know before by listening to AM stream, a band called "Acidente". The weird part is that the band is a brazilian one, and Brazil is my country.
Very well, after this shamefull confession, the real purpose of my post is to share about a nice opportunity: Download some Acidente albums for free.
After listen in here I started searching for the band on internet an found their web-page, where they offer all of their albums for download. Looking ahead for divulgating purposes i sent the guys an e-mail asking if itīs ok to download or tell others or make audio streams or redistribute the material, the guy was very nice in response and to resume he said itīs absolutely right to use the downloads.
The band is funny in the aspect of some albums are not prog at all and others are, the last album have stamped in itīs front: "PROGHEADS - COLLECTORS /// WARNING /// NOT PROG AT ALL
Don't be deceived /// Just a discful of pop rock songs in native dialect plus some kind of hard muzak /// Read inlet for details ///" So go figure...

The oficial website is: In the site you find download links for every released album but the ones that are worthy:

Password to download all links: ACIDENTE

Guys have nice influences like Caravan but have own style. I liked the music hope you like it too.

Sorry if my english is kinda poor and I hurt grammar ;)


Rodrigo :rockband:

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