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moses 01-08-2009 10:31 PM

The Fusion Reactor #225 - In The Moment
This show is a compilation of semi-randomly selected songs, carefully placed in the order you'll hear them. There's no theme to them.

In The Moment - Baker, Ginger Trio 4:31
Expecting Fulfillment - Smokin' Granny 2:25
Wili (Part 2) - Davis, Miles 10:44
Eventually - Coleman, Ornette 4:23
What You Know - Gong 3:41
Fly Away - Ten Point Ten 4:04
Shop Talk - Cold Blood 7:18
Continuum - Pastorius, Jaco 4:32
House of Marc - Tunnels 7:40
Inside Game - Katché, Manu 5:11
The Hammer Song - Beegle, Dave 4:52
Morning Sickness - Coryell, Larry 5:23
Pale Glider - Berlin, Jeff 5:15
Sweet Child - Livgren, Kerry 4:45
As The World 2000 - Echolyn 4:38
Vulcan Princess - Clarke, Stanley 4:01
Coconut Boogaloo - Medeski Martin & Wood 3:57
On the Beach - Schon & Hammer 5:21
Trane to Conamarra - Fleck, Béla & the Flecktones 6:49
Istanbul - DiMeola, Al 8:01
Sorrow & Promise - IX. Make Me More Like You - Divine In Sight 9:31

Rick and Roll 01-09-2009 07:33 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #225 - In The Moment

Originally Posted by moses (Post 39604)
Continuum - Pastorius, Jaco 4:32

There's that word again! (appears twice on my show this week). :eeeek

Good stuff as always! :-V

Ted 01-14-2009 11:08 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #225 - In The Moment

This was an excellent show. Thanks so much - really enjoyed the Livgren and the 10.10 - this was a nice song... i need to explore them some more.

Lamour was guessing that you chose most of the songs because they either had a great bass player or a great bass line... well... any enlightenment?

Thanks again -and looking forward to next week's show.

Regards from Texas,

moses 01-14-2009 07:43 PM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #225 - In The Moment
Sorry, I'm not at liberty to discuss what the theme was this week.

Just kidding, I didn't have any sort of theme, really. I guess it just turned out to be a bass-heavy show on accident. Or maybe it was some sort of subliminal suggestion...

Ten Point Ten really has some fantastic stuff, particularly on the albums "Eleven" and "12 25" (the latter is the best Christmas prog I own!)

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