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Methem 10-26-2008 09:49 AM

Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon
"Rakku" should of course be "Rekku". (Pekka "Rekku" Rechardt)

progdirjim 10-27-2008 01:18 AM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon
Of course? OF COURSE? :D Finnish is a crazy language and the CD was totally unclear as to which was the band/artist name, which was the album name, etc. i took a guess and it's a miracle I was as close as I was. Just how many a's, k's and u's in a row are allowed in Finnish? :rofl:

Thanks for the info, I'll try and fix it soon. :)

DamoXt7942 10-27-2008 05:56 AM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon
Sorry, Methem, Lellu and all Finn.
We Japanese can't read and pronounce Finnish... :(
(I think so when I got Pekka Pohjola's album...but the album is wonderful! :))

Methem 10-27-2008 10:37 AM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon

Originally Posted by progdirjim (Post 38394)
Of course? OF COURSE? :D

I guess I added the "of course" because I thought the name of the guy might be familiar, as he's a long-time member of the Finnish band Wigwam.


Finnish is a crazy language and the CD was totally unclear as to which was the band/artist name, which was the album name, etc. i took a guess and it's a miracle I was as close as I was. Just how many a's, k's and u's in a row are allowed in Finnish? :rofl:
Pardon? You mean names/words such as "Pekkkkka"? I haven't seen anything like that.:) It's usually two similar letters in a row at max.

Damo, *some* Finnish and Japanese words actually resemble each other and are probably pronounced in a somewhat similar manner. But that's obviously coincidental, not because of any common heritage.

progdirjim 10-28-2008 12:42 PM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon
It has been fixxed, (typo intentional), and I guess I should have said Finnish commonly has double letters (a, k, u) that are VERY uncommon in English. No criticism of your fine, but incomprehensible language was intended. :D

Rick and Roll 10-28-2008 10:10 PM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon

Originally Posted by progdirjim (Post 38414)
It has been fixxed, (typo intentional),

Savved by zerro...

DamoXt7942 10-29-2008 05:12 AM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon
Jim, would you add more Finnish libraries?
If you would, we all Moonies can understand Finnish more and more. :yougo

mailotron 10-29-2008 01:53 PM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon
Japanese as Italian and Finnish have lot of open syllabes ( syllabes ending by a vowels) and that make those languages more easy to pronounce according to my very humble own experience in japanese and italian. For example there is only one ending consonant in japanese ( the letter n sometimes pronounced m according to the following one)an another difficulty in japanese is the double consonant -tt- -kk- -ss- and so on , each letter must be pronounced as a single one not as a doublet .

mailotron 10-29-2008 01:55 PM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon
except those exceptions , japanese is easy to pronounce for latin people , in my opinion much more easier than for exemple chinese, vietnamese or ... french ... or dutch

DamoXt7942 10-29-2008 06:04 PM

Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon

Originally Posted by mailotron (Post 38426)
Japanese as Italian and Finnish have lot of open syllabes ( syllabes ending by a vowels) and that make those languages more easy to pronounce according to my very humble own experience in japanese and italian. For example there is only one ending consonant in japanese ( the letter n sometimes pronounced m according to the following one)an another difficulty in japanese is the double consonant -tt- -kk- -ss- and so on , each letter must be pronounced as a single one not as a doublet .

You bet mailo. I am surprised and appreciate that you can express better than us Japanese. :)
Furthermore, some of us Japanese can't distinguish the pronunciation of "L" and "R" well. That's the reason we Japanese have difficulty to learn English.

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