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moses 06-05-2008 09:59 PM

The Fusion Reactor #196 - The New Breed of Fusion, Part 2
I got a bunch of suggestions about stuff to include in the "new fusion" show, so here's a part 2. Many of the suggestions are included for your enjoyment.

MCM - Them Ain't Us
Mahavishnu Project - Eternity's Breath
Metheny, Pat - The Awakening
Garaj Mahal - Celtic Indian
CAB - One for the Road
Planeta Imaginario - Biomasa (Biomass)
Machine and the Synergetic Nuts - Texas
Hiromi - Time Flies
Megaphone Man - Bubble Hat

Ted 06-06-2008 09:16 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #196 - The New Breed of Fusion, Part 2

Thanks for including Hiromi - I have really enjoyed listening to her jazz/fusion/piano... amazing.

Looking forward to your show next week!!

Regards from Texas,

Rick and Roll 06-06-2008 10:12 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #196 - The New Breed of Fusion, Part 2

Originally Posted by Ted (Post 35099)

Thanks for including Hiromi - I have really enjoyed listening to her jazz/fusion/piano... amazing.

Looking forward to your show next week!!

Regards from Texas,

Will see her on Wednesday. Will be coming into the show cold, don't have any of her music but i like what I've heard!

Ted 06-06-2008 10:20 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #196 - The New Breed of Fusion, Part 2

Originally Posted by Rick and Roll (Post 35100)
Will see her on Wednesday. Will be coming into the show cold, don't have any of her music but i like what I've heard!


Wow - let us know if she is as good in concert! Is it a small venue? That makes Jazz such more intimate.

Okay, please - pictures and impressions, if you don't mind. And I haven't forgotten about Keaggy either!! :D

Thanks so much!
Regards from Texas,

Rick and Roll 06-06-2008 01:47 PM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #196 - The New Breed of Fusion, Part 2

Originally Posted by Ted (Post 35101)

Wow - let us know if she is as good in concert! Is it a small venue? That makes Jazz such more intimate.

Okay, please - pictures and impressions, if you don't mind. And I haven't forgotten about Keaggy either!! :D

Thanks so much!
Regards from Texas,

pics I don't know if we'll have any...I do for keaggy, same friend took them as will take pics for belew tonight (sigh another review to do... lol)

Hiromi is at the Birchmere in Virginia - hard to get to after work in Baltimore but worth it. it's a sit down place, first come seating with tables and food. Bigger than where I will be tonight for Belew - that's at Ramshead in Annapolis, my fav place - 6 person tables, very intimate.

Ted 06-06-2008 02:29 PM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #196 - The New Breed of Fusion, Part 2

Originally Posted by Rick and Roll (Post 35103)
pics I don't know if we'll have any...I do for keaggy, same friend took them as will take pics for belew tonight (sigh another review to do... lol)

Hiromi is at the Birchmere in Virginia - hard to get to after work in Baltimore but worth it. it's a sit down place, first come seating with tables and food. Bigger than where I will be tonight for Belew - that's at Ramshead in Annapolis, my fav place - 6 person tables, very intimate.


Whatever you do will be much appreciated! I am looking forward to what you have to say!

Thank you in advance!

Regards from Texas,

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