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cribguy 04-15-2008 09:17 AM

E-mail from Paul Richards of CGT
Hello all!

I just returned to the hotel after the webcast/performance from
Future Studios in Sedona Arizona.

Not sure what to say about this show. For me, it was one of the worst
shows in CGT history. I don't want to cast blame or point fingers, so
I'll just say that some things happened tonight at the venue that
make me feel like I wanted to put my guitar down and walk off stage
during the show. It was so horrible. I actually felt on the verge of
crying on stage. `-( That has never happened before. The best thing that
happened during the night was when Bert's daughter Tillie came on
stage on played kazoo with us on Tubular Bells. That brought a big
smile to my face. Hopefully we'll learn some lessons from the show
tonight. It sure does help me appreciate the shows that everything
goes well on.


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