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Toccata 11-04-2007 11:11 AM

The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
I always was a flute's lover! When a flute's solo begin in a music, I think we can feel a pure and divine presence ! :angel:
I'll give you this examples below, who knows other's or if I forgot to include here, please do it:
-The Knife (Trespass)
-Get "em" out by friday (Foxtrot)
-Supper's Ready (Foxtrot)
-Firth of Fifth (Selling England By The Pound)
-Birth (Hamburger Concerto)
Jethro Tull:
-My God (Aqualung)

mailotron 11-04-2007 11:30 AM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
All flute parts in Camel's Snow Goose
Camel's Aristillus on Moonmadness:p

Toccata 11-04-2007 11:34 AM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Thanks Mailo, i'll try to search this song, embrace brother.

gr8sho92 11-05-2007 10:44 AM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Any PFM album from 1972 to 1974. Listen for the magic from Mauro Pagani.

Toccata 11-05-2007 01:43 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Thank you friend !

gr8sho92 11-05-2007 02:23 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
You're most welcome. I haven't looked recently, but if you google wisely, you may be able to find some videos of 2 recent concerts that showcase this sort of thing from PFM. One is the 2002 Japan concert which features Lucio Fabbri and a more recent concert that had a reunion with Mauro Pagani in Piazza del Campo in Siena. The boys are a little weathered with age (ain't we all), but the music is phenomenal.

Toccata 11-05-2007 02:34 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Hi friend, thanks, I like very much Premiata and the others Italians, what do you think about Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso ?:angel:

gr8sho92 11-05-2007 02:42 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Also gods. Apparently they've agreed to come to Nearfest next year so I may be attending my first prog festival. Non mi rompete is one of my favorites. pretty ballsy (pardon the pun) for the 1970s.

(Funny thing about Selling is that I was just listening to it in the car past few days. Really classic prog. Also being featured album on prog archives.)

Toccata 11-06-2007 03:46 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock

Originally Posted by gr8sho92 (Post 28804)
Also gods. Apparently they've agreed to come to Nearfest next year so I may be attending my first prog festival. Non mi rompete is one of my favorites. pretty ballsy (pardon the pun) for the 1970s.

(Funny thing about Selling is that I was just listening to it in the car past few days. Really classic prog. Also being featured album on prog archives.)

I like very much of Tirami una Rete too!

gr8sho92 11-06-2007 07:57 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Gooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mossy 11-06-2007 08:14 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
For me, all of John Hackett's work on Voyage of the Acolyte, but especially Hands of the Priestess part 2.

1:34 minutes of musical genius.

marquer 11-07-2007 12:39 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
A list of good musical flute in prog would not be complete without mentioning Harmonium's "Si on avait besoin d'une cinquieme saison". A look at the list of players shows that there are 2 flute players on that album:

- Pierre Daigneault / flute, piccolo, Soprano saxophone, clarinet
- Serge Fiori / guitar, flute, zither harp, bass drum, vocals

Very melodious!

mossy 11-07-2007 12:42 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
very much so, marquer

carlos77 11-08-2007 03:10 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
My two Fav:
Firth Of Fifth and Bouree

Rick and Roll 11-08-2007 03:24 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Little known fact - On "Reasons For Waiting", the great tull track from Stand Up, that's Martin Barre and not Ian Anderson on flute. Martin's actually been playing longer than Ian.

I don't like to say "my fav flute solo" etc. or rank things like that.

Gabriel's flute parts are few and far between, and not really that big a part of the music.

I will say that "Birth" is one of my favorite songs...but what starts it for me is the little harpsichord at the beginning of the song.:thumbsup:

Toccata 11-08-2007 05:04 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Hi Rick, I didn't know was Martin Barre the flute player in this song!! Nice!!
Excellent musician Right, complete!!!!:rawk:

Toccata 11-08-2007 05:06 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Si compaņero son muy lindas!!:-V

Toccata 11-08-2007 05:10 PM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Really, Harmonium is celestial. :angel:

eloy1964 11-09-2007 03:45 AM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
My favourite flute solo is from Eloy "Impressions" on their colours album. Pure XTC.

Toccata 11-17-2007 06:08 AM

Re: The most melodius flute's solo in the Prog. Rock
Really friend ! The "Impressions"' solo is very melodius.
I ever was an Eloy fan too, I received from Hannover, of the EMI office a Post Card, which are an ELOY photo authographed by them, which I care so well.:iheartyou

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