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KeithieW 07-12-2007 03:05 AM

Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Today is VAX and M's 27th anniversary.

I have met Brian and Martha on numerous occasions over the last few years and can honestly say that knowing them has been a joy.

We've been to a few gigs together (Groundhogs, Yes, Marillion, Summer's End Festival 2006) and we've supped a few bevies in that time too.

The recent past has been very trying for the pair of them and lesser people might have allowed those situations to build a barrier between them. Not VAX and way!!! To see them together is to see a couple who love one another VERY much and it makes you feel good just to witness such love between two people.

I hope you both have a wonderful day together today and for ever more.

Love you both very much.

Your headbanging, lush, Brit pal is thinking of you.

Bmithra 07-12-2007 04:47 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Happy Anniversary

It gives me hope to know that two people can be as much in love
with each other after so many years together. It is wonderful to

May your LOVE continue to grow.


roger 07-12-2007 05:10 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
congratulations and many more!

OverHillandDale 07-12-2007 05:30 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Vax and M,


It is a joy to be able to share this moment with you and wish you all the best!
Keep music in heart, :rockband:

and Love in the Soul.

Dale and Sallie

Ted 07-12-2007 06:12 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Brian and M,

Happy Anniversary! :thumbsup:

I wish you a blessed and happy day. You are a shining example of what two people can do who are committed to each other! :notworthy

Enjoy the day - and each other - and remember that our thoughts are with you both!

Grateful for the good news,

teermin8r 07-12-2007 06:34 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Congrats on 21 years of marriage. May you have another 21 great years still to come.

GORT 07-12-2007 07:50 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
A VERY HAPPY anniversary to you and M. It was a wonderful pleasure to meet the two of you and spend time getting to know you. I could easily see the love between you while I was there. It's rare to see couples so happily married. I wish you many more years to come.

your friend on the left coast

cribguy 07-12-2007 07:56 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Thewife and I are approaching 22 years together, 16 1/2 of that married.

Congrats on your 21st and here's hoping for many more...for all of us!

Thor 07-12-2007 08:22 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Yes... I concur. Happy Anniversary to Vax and Martha! My fav friends from ProNJ. Here's to many more.

julieval 07-12-2007 09:12 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful day together...and many more to come.:salute

RogorMortis 07-12-2007 11:37 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Well Vax as I said in shout I've done 32 years with Lone of which as you know 25 as a married couple. And we still shout at each other . So I know what I'm talking about (well I think I do). we never do anything special about wedding anniversaries but that's because of MIL :D
So you better do something about that Vax and take M out - perhaps a cruise to Greenland or somewhere where you can keep here warm.........

Congratulations, as Sir Cliff Richard sings, about the first 27 and best wishes for the next 23.

lotus 07-12-2007 12:15 PM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Happy Anniversary M and Vax!!

27 years is a very long time living together, and as you paased all ups and downs together, both of you have grown in this your love for each other, which in my oppinion is the deep mutual respect for your beloved one.

Vax, take M out for a superb dinner and have a great party!

jtmckinley 07-12-2007 01:00 PM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Happy Anniversary VAX & M! May you have 27 more!

DEzerov 07-12-2007 07:53 PM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
The very best to you both from Ezerova and I. May you both be happy and healthy and continue to love one another!

AngelSings4u2 07-14-2007 10:03 PM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
Happy Belated Anniversary Vax and M...You guys are great! Much love...Angel 0:-)

dekhands 07-15-2007 12:33 AM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!
From the better late than never dept:
I just wanted to add that I've been there from the very beginning in 1980. We've seen each other at our best...and of course...the worst. I'm am humbled and indeed proud to say that even after all these years, I can count on your friendship and strength, even amongst your ceaseless personal struggles. Happy belated anniversary to my dear, dear to you both...
dekhands (aka dave k.)

VAXman 07-17-2007 03:05 PM

Re: Anniversary VAX and M!!!!!

Originally Posted by KeithieW (Post 27127)
I have met Brian and Martha on numerous occasions over the last few years and can honestly say that knowing them has been a joy.

We've been to a few gigs together (Groundhogs, Yes, Marillion, Summer's End Festival 2006) and we've supped a few bevies in that time too.

The recent past has been very trying for the pair of them and lesser people might have allowed those situations to build a barrier between them. Not VAX and way!!! To see them together is to see a couple who love one another VERY much and it makes you feel good just to witness such love between two people.

Thank you Keith. If it would not be for her I might not be here today. She's been my strength and will to live for as long as I've know her.


Originally Posted by GORT (Post 27138)
A VERY HAPPY anniversary to you and M. It was a wonderful pleasure to meet the two of you and spend time getting to know you. I could easily see the love between you while I was there. It's rare to see couples so happily married. I wish you many more years to come.

We don't have much to offer in terms of accommodations but what we have we happily share. Glad you had a good time here.


Originally Posted by lotus (Post 27153)
27 years is a very long time living together, and as you paased all ups and downs together, both of you have grown in this your love for each other, which in my oppinion is the deep mutual respect for your beloved one.

We've got more ups and downs than you can imagine but, with any luck, we will somehow get through them.


Originally Posted by dekhands (Post 27200)
From the better late than never dept:
I just wanted to add that I've been there from the very beginning in 1980. We've seen each other at our best...and of course...the worst. I'm am humbled and indeed proud to say that even after all these years, I can count on your friendship and strength, even amongst your ceaseless personal struggles. Happy belated anniversary to my dear, dear to you both...
dekhands (aka dave k.)

'Tis true. I've know Dave longer than I've know M but M was more my type! :D

Dave and I used to play guitar together in college back when most of this great music was more mainstream and not a little niche in the musical chain of being. We used to arrange and play Genesis, Pink Floyd, Yes, and myriad others. I miss it. Even though we don't live all that far apart from each other, we never seem to get together enough. Thanks and let's get those TMB tix squared away before they all disappear. How about both the black and white shows? Consecutive evenings at the Keswick.

...and to all the other well wishers (I couldn't single you all out but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you if I didn't! I most certainly do.), M and I both thank you for your warm and certainly sincere love.

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