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Enoch 01-26-2007 07:06 PM

West Coast Concerts
The Left Coast of the US is so IGNORED by bands in general and Prog in pparticular, man! What can a guy do?:mad: !!

Rick and Roll 01-26-2007 09:49 PM

Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by Enoch (Post 24583)
The Left Coast of the US is so IGNORED by bands in general and Prog in pparticular, man! What can a guy do?:mad: !!

Really? I equate it to simple geography. The East Coast, north of VA is quite compact, and there is a lot going on prog there. Also, there is the festivals, But South of NC and just about everywhere else there is the same complaint.

There are tons of American bands that only play once a year that are the best known in prog. Djam Karet, Salem Hill, the list goes on. Plus the bands are scattered. There's a ton of reasons actually. Prog ignores everybody, it's not profitable to tour.

You have some great bands out there, we'll never see over here.

I will say the East coast gets more European bands. Less distance to travel.

Enoch 01-27-2007 12:39 AM

Re: West Coast Concerts
Yup, that about sums it up. Well, they don't know what they're missing!

VAXman 01-27-2007 09:20 AM

Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by Enoch (Post 24583)
The Left Coast of the US is so IGNORED by bands in general and Prog in pparticular, man! What can a guy do?:mad: !!

There's CalProg in Whittier, CA every summer. Also, BajaProg is not all that far for you, 2 hours drive from San Diego. I realize San Jose is quite a way up the coast from SD (or LA for CalProg) but you do have very reasonably priced commuter flights in CA. Fly to SAN (or LAX for Calprog) and rent a car. If you do Baja Prog, it's a really nice drive from SD to Mexicali, BC.

Enoch 01-27-2007 12:59 PM

Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by VAXman (Post 24591)
There's CalProg in Whittier, CA every summer. Also, BajaProg is not all that far for you, 2 hours drive from San Diego. I realize San Jose is quite a way up the coast from SD (or LA for CalProg) but you do have very reasonably priced commuter flights in CA. Fly to SAN (or LAX for Calprog) and rent a car. If you do Baja Prog, it's a really nice drive from SD to Mexicali, BC.

Great! Good points. Thanks for the info!

Enoch 01-28-2007 05:41 PM

Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by nadina (Post 24611)
Are you in San Jose Enoch? I'm in Sacramento and have managed to see a number of shows. I did travel to NEARfest last summer, but as VAX mentioned there is also CalProg.

I've also been to Sunnyvale to The Quarter Note to see a couple of bands there (Headshear, Fractal, Hazerfan) several times. The Great American Music Hall in SF has some good shows. We had a mini Moonie get-together for the Los Trios Marillios show and Blackfield is playing there in March. Porcupine Tree played in SF in October and that same week, we went to Roger Waters show at the Shoreline in Mountain View.

So, the shows are out there!


Yes, I'm sorry to have missed Waters. Hadn't heard of the Porcupine Tree show! Uhgg! (pulls hair out). But no, I'm actually north of San Jose in Martinez, so I'm within reach of the entire Bay Area. I guess I should look around better. My main thing is just that, when I go to some bands website, it always seems to display tour dates in Bridgeport, Providence, Cambridge, yada yada yada....

AramediusIII 01-28-2007 06:55 PM

Re: West Coast Concerts
I really have to get to NEARfest. I was dying to see Nektar there!

Enoch 01-29-2007 09:04 PM

Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by nadina (Post 24617)
Ah, okay. I know where Martinez is. The tickets for the Blackfield show are on sale. That will be in SF at the Great American Music Hall on March 11. That is the only one we have planned at the moment, but I'll try to let you know when I hear of others. Are you familiar with this site?

I just complain sometimes about having to drive a couple of hours to get down to SF, lol!


Cool! These are local bands on this site? First I've seen of it. Thanks!

PapaJimH 02-11-2007 09:53 AM

Re: West Coast Concerts
Yeah, it's that time of the year again!!!

TheFish 02-11-2007 10:25 AM

Re: West Coast Concerts
I'm in San Jose and there is some local prog next month at the avalon in santa clara. four bands in one nite. The headline is Enchant. March 24th is the date.

Rick and Roll 02-11-2007 10:41 AM

Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by TheFish (Post 24907)
I'm in San Jose and there is some local prog next month at the avalon in santa clara. four bands in one nite. The headline is Enchant. March 24th is the date.

Enchant has only played once east of the Mississippi I think, and that was at Nearfest. Their first record is stunning, and subsequent ones after that are good, though not nearly as good as the debut (which is unusual). Their original drummer wrote a lot of that record, now it's more Neo-friendly..

I wish I was closer for the Nearfest show, and I didn't think they were suited for a big hall.

I would imagine they're great in a smaller setting. The guitar playing of Doug Ott is spectacular.

Looks like the set will be great, check it out....

Zero Hour is pretty heavy, but they have some melody. Prepare to bang thy head...I missed them a few months back at Orion.

Not familiar with Redemption, but Fates Warning and Symphony X are good pedigrees.

Looks like Enchant is a bit mismatched with the others, but if you like both styles, this is a good show.

Enoch 02-11-2007 04:36 PM

Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by TheFish (Post 24907)
I'm in San Jose and there is some local prog next month at the avalon in santa clara. four bands in one nite. The headline is Enchant. March 24th is the date.

Cool, I'm going to try to make this. Looks like fun.

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