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Ted 11-21-2006 07:08 AM

Favorite ELP Song
:flutter: Okay - I have been asked to start this thread - I think I am being used - :knowing: - but that is okay - I get to discuss my fav. group, ELP :-V

Now I would like to know your Favorite ELP song - but not just which one - but WHY:rolleyes: you like it. As I mentioned in the other thread, my reason for hesitating there was because I needed to think about this.

My favorite ELP song - I think is: Pirates. Now I understand that some don't like it - some do:rawk: but the reason I like it is the BROAD range of emotion, music and style it has. The music is at times BOMBASTIC:flutter: , and at other times, soft and quiet:hand:. It tells a story, it is sweeping, it is PROG ROCK and ORCHESTRA combined - working together - as never was possible with The NICE, not one then the other, but together - serving as a whole. I like it!:rawk:

So what is your fav ELP song?

Wonderingly yours,

PeterG 11-21-2006 08:14 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
I'm going to cover this in mulple posts... i think because it is so hard to pick one fav. So here are a few in no particular order.


• Great intro soft synth leadin... to lure in the unsuspecting.
• Lake's voice is in its prime. Good lyrics. a breakup song... honest feelings.
• Emerson's Grand piano is wonderful i love when he is on Piano (see another, future post) at about 2 minutes in he slides into one, repeating note. This is bracketed by A full and pleasent lead in... and on the other side there are a couple of (purposely placed) discordant intervals... much like "the guys" relationship... great... but then... Good Bye, Good Bye.
• Piano gets more active (as Carl Palmer comes in, sits down and picks up his sticks)
• Synth 'grove' starts and feels choppy and very unlike the first half of the song.
• Lead Strings synth come in and repeat the theme of the song.... and away we go!... one of my favorite melodic leads from all ELP.
• Lakes lyrics come back and are less lamenting and more "we'll talk again, you'll be OK, I'll be Ok too.."
• finally the song closes with the classic 'blues' ending... way to go to slow things down and close the song.

That is for the first of my ELP faves....


VAXman 11-21-2006 08:20 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
This is tough... it's like chosing which leg you want to have severed!

Karn Evil #9 and The Endless Enigma just for the lyrics.

I'll chime in later if I can come up with any other absolute fave.

jtmckinley 11-21-2006 08:27 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
Tarkus. I love the organ parts. Well, I love the rest of the tune too, but especially the percussive organ.

mailotron 11-21-2006 08:44 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
Hard to say ... :headscrat I never was a pure ELP s fan:sad: , love a lot of their tracks :-\ ( TARKUS , KARN EVEIL, ..JERUSALEM , .. but ..):eyes:
ok so JERUSALEM ... not fully 100% ELP

All the best

KeithieW 11-21-2006 09:03 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
Fave ELP song? Tricky, but I would go for "Take a Pebble". The feel of that song is just so good. The guitar playing is beautiful the piano excellent. It speaks to me in a way that no other ELP song does.

"Disturbing the waters, of our lives......".

VERNIXX 11-21-2006 09:25 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
Tarkus. The first album I bought with my own an 8 year old!!!
I got Christmas money and bought it immediately. It was still a new album, too. My parent's thought it was like classical music present in a rock format, so they were cool with my purchase (unlike the Hawkwind album I bought afew weeks later with my allowance).

I still whip out that original vinyl now and play it loud.

Roger -Dot- Lee 11-21-2006 10:21 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
Hoo boy. This is a good one.

I've got a rotation of perhaps three or four ELP songs that I would call my favorites, based on such things as mood, time of day, and the level of blood in my caffeine stream.

They are, in no particular order:
  1. Karn Evil #9, First Impression
  2. Piano Improvisations (because, DAMN, can Keith Emerson play)
  3. The Only Way (Hymn)

As for WHY?

Karn Evil #9 because it's musically and stylistically a well designed and engineered song. Every member adds a great deal to the piece -- it's not All Keith or All Greg or All Carl. It's All ELP.

Piano Improvisations? Because, well, Damn.

The Only Way (Hymn)? Because I like it. It's nice pseudo-classical organ work coupled with a profound message. It just gets me right *here*.

Rick and Roll 11-21-2006 10:45 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
No not being used :-V

Two reasons I is that I thought it would get a great response, and so far it has. Second, it would be good to get the feeling of why some do not like Pirates, in one place. There are certain polarizing songs (Echoes, Pirates, Supper's Ready) that always pop up in other threads. So we're quarantining Pirates so to speak, and also discussing a great band!

(at least up to Love beach ]:-( )

That being said....

I don't think I could say it any better than Ted about Pirates. It's very exhilirating to me. Well done!

Tarkus is a close second. It's a perfect piece, and it's got everything.

Agreed % with Dot about the lyrical message in "The Only Way".

Some other ones I dig are Hallowed Be thy Name and Knife Edge.

Everyone has said some great ones!

Ted 11-21-2006 12:28 PM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by Rick and Roll (Post 22960)
No not being used :-V

Two reasons I is that I thought it would get a great response, and so far it has. Second, it would be good to get the feeling of why some do not like Pirates, in one place. There are certain polarizing songs (Echoes, Pirates, Supper's Ready) that always pop up in other threads. So we're quarantining Pirates so to speak, and also discussing a great band!

(at least up to Love beach ]:-( )

That being said....

I don't think I could say it any better than Ted about Pirates. It's very exhilirating to me. Well done!

Tarkus is a close second. It's a perfect piece, and it's got everything.

Agreed % with Dot about the lyrical message in "The Only Way".

Some other ones I dig are Hallowed Be thy Name and Knife Edge.

Everyone has said some great ones!

Rick - you are right! I wasn't being used:-V But I was curious.

Along with enjoying Pirates.... I also like "Memoirs of An Officer and A Gentleman." It tells a good story. The music again has lots of variety in it, and as Dot said, they play together well. This on an album that most everyone hates. This one song is worth getting the album for.

I appreciate everyone participating in the discussion. It has been very 'educational':headscrat seeing everyone's response. From Dot - saying "he is feeling it in his gut :-\ along with Peter - breaking down the song the way that is analyzing it :flutter:

Continue to tell us why you like your fav ELP song. Help us to better understand YOU!!

Welcome Back My Friends.....


Rick and Roll 11-21-2006 01:01 PM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by Ted (Post 22963)
I also like "Memoirs of An Officer and A Gentleman." It tells a good story. The music again has lots of variety in it, and as Dot said, they play together well. This on an album that most everyone hates. This one song is worth getting the album for.

I'll have to give it a listen...somewhere. Is In the Hot Seat mediocre also?

MrMagoo 11-21-2006 01:02 PM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
Tarkus, for all the same reasons stated in Ted's first post, complex with many changes, big theme, etc...

Ted 11-21-2006 04:50 PM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by Rick and Roll (Post 22966)
I'll have to give it a listen...somewhere. Is In the Hot Seat mediocre also?


I have always heard that 'In the Hot Seat' was mediocre:headscrat
But there are 4 tracks on the Moon, and I have listened/requested them and I like them, but I like 'Black Moon' also. It is a different direction - more "commerical" - but repeating myself - I like it:knowing: They are DIFFERENT than typical ELP fair, but variety is the spice of life!

I have 'Memoirs' as an MP3.


Ted 11-21-2006 04:51 PM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by MrMagoo (Post 22967)
Tarkus, for all the same reasons stated in Ted's first post, complex with many changes, big theme, etc...

Mr. Magoo,

Thanks for the contrib. I too like Tarkus!! It is all there!!:flutter:

Big Music. Bombastic - Percussive Keyboard.


ivan_2068 11-21-2006 09:01 PM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
I feel something special for Trilogy, a song that has everything I like about Prog, solid melody, dramatic changes, lush keyboards, etc.


Rick and Roll 11-21-2006 09:47 PM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by Ted (Post 22968)

I have 'Memoirs' as an MP3.

I like 'Black Moon' also.


So you don't have the open-shirted band photo? :rolleyes:

I like Black Moon too..was a good tour also.

Another Trilogy vote (by Ivan)..looks like that and Tarkus lead the way...

Replaying Karn Evil 9 though....all three together....hmmmm

KeithieW 11-22-2006 03:12 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song
Well Ted.....thank you very much!!!

btw. This is Keithie's wife Pam here. I've just caught him clicking on amazon buying the three ELP albums he doesn't have on CD. Why he needs them is a mystery because he already has them on vinyl, cassette and, in at least two cases, 8 Track, the player for which broke 5 years ago!!!!!

It's a good job I like ELP as well or the divorce lawyers bill would be winging it's way across the swamp to your address.

I'm rewriting the lyrics to Keithie's fave ELP song:

"Just take a pebble and throw it at Keithie's head.............."

Ah well......trying to stop him from purchasing CDs is like :deadhorse

Ted 11-22-2006 05:11 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by KeithieW (Post 22975)
Well Ted.....thank you very much!!!

btw. This is Keithie's wife Pam here. I've just caught him clicking on amazon buying the three ELP albums he doesn't have on CD. Why he needs them is a mystery because he already has them on vinyl, cassette and, in at least two cases, 8 Track, the player for which broke 5 years ago!!!!!

It's a good job I like ELP as well or the divorce lawyers bill would be winging it's way across the swamp to your address.

I'm rewriting the lyrics to Keithie's fave ELP song:

"Just take a pebble and throw it at Keithie's head.............."

Ah well......trying to stop him from purchasing CDs is like :deadhorse


Ohhhh Nooooo! I am not trying to cause marital unrest :knowing:

I am glad that Keithie is enjoying the music though - and you too:-V

I listened to Pirates on my way into work today and enjoyed again the fun that is envoked from experiencing the song. Unfortunately, I have never seen ELP live, but I have 6 DVD's and have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the music I have heard for a couple of decades played live. I have a couple of DVD's from the early 70's and a couple from the 90's and it is amazing how the three have aged, but can still rock:rawk: But it is satisfying to see the "recorded" music being played "live".

Again, I wish you much harmony and marital bliss:flutter:


Rick and Roll 11-22-2006 06:31 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by Ted (Post 22976)
Unfortunately, I have never seen ELP live

There's a Nearfest 2006 thread you can pull up and read some thoughts about Emerson's performance there.

That's OK. I never saw Gentle Giant.....or anybody before 1979....:mad:

Ted 11-22-2006 07:00 AM

Re: Favorite ELP Song

Originally Posted by Rick and Roll (Post 22978)
There's a Nearfest 2006 thread you can pull up and read some thoughts about Emerson's performance there.

That's OK. I never saw Gentle Giant.....or anybody before 1979....:mad:


Thanks for letting me in on the Nearfest thread. I'll give it a look! :-V


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