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Rick and Roll 10-28-2006 06:56 AM

ELP "Tribute" record
Does anyone like the ELP tribute 2CD set? Every song I hear is just, well, I don't like it.

They should call it "Fanfare for the Garbage Man".

By the way, nice Motif for the halloween...wish it was a bit lighter, but that's halloween!

gazric 10-28-2006 08:47 AM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record
I agree rick, i've only heard 2 tracks but to me it seems like "Brain salad botched surgery!" and the patient died!

Hawksun 10-28-2006 09:33 AM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record
I won't try to make any witty wordplays like my two fellows already did, but I have to concur: I hate the ELP tribute album. A lot.

I won't go as far as to ask for removal though.

elpbss 10-28-2006 12:35 PM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record
i think Encores, Legends & Paradox: A Tribute to ELP
is much better.

KeithieW 10-28-2006 04:45 PM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record
I like it...................:)

But then again I'm suffering from hallucinations because of various medicinal combinations. No change there then.

I wouldn't remove it though. There are other candidates for that......right lotus????:knowing:

lotus 10-28-2006 05:02 PM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record

Originally Posted by KeithieW (Post 22618)

There are other candidates for that......right lotus????:knowing:

KW, you are so right!!!!

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


progdirjim 10-30-2006 12:12 AM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record
too easy, but I have to say the tribute version of "Pirates" is better than the original.:D

Seriously though, I'm confused and curious on this. The compilation in question was released on Mellow records, and we've gotten great reviews on their Genesis, Finnish prog, Italian prog, and I think one other tribute disc. I find it pretty hard to believe that the quality of the ELP tribute is worse, so is it:
1) ELP fans are unreasonable and difficult assholes?
2) ELP fans are anal retentive and can't handle anything different than the original?
3) ELP fans have tin ears?

For the record, I'm a huge ELP fan and I like the tribute album pretty well. (I'm not a big fan of any tribute album, but this one is as good as any to me. And I am at least half kidding on the criticisms above.) I am truly curious about this, so let the flaming and responses continue...

Rick and Roll 10-30-2006 06:42 AM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record

Originally Posted by progdirjim (Post 22638)
too easy, but I have to say the tribute version of "Pirates" is better than the original.:D

Seriously though, I'm confused and curious on this. The compilation in question was released on Mellow records, and we've gotten great reviews on their Genesis, Finnish prog, Italian prog, and I think one other tribute disc. I find it pretty hard to believe that the quality of the ELP tribute is worse, so is it:
1) ELP fans are unreasonable and difficult assholes?
2) ELP fans are anal retentive and can't handle anything different than the original?
3) ELP fans have tin ears?

For the record, I'm a huge ELP fan and I like the tribute album pretty well. (I'm not a big fan of any tribute album, but this one is as good as any to me. And I am at least half kidding on the criticisms above.) I am truly curious about this, so let the flaming and responses continue...

Well, I started the thread. Here are some basic facts about me: I don't generally mind tribute records or bands. I love ELP. I think Pirates is one of the greatest songs ever written, and understand that not many share that opinion (or even consider it a great song). I am NOT a flamer.

So all that said, my issue is: does it add anything to the original? Do they put their style on the song? I want to hear a band play the song, but put their stamp on it, but still remain true to the orginal.

Now all of the above doesn't really explain why I dislike it. It's merely that it was played every day for weeks. I'm tired enough of the originals after a few plays. To hear that abomination of Pirates more than once...well there's enough orginal material on the Moon.

So there's no real arcane and complicated explanation..I just didn't like it. :)

Roger -Dot- Lee 11-21-2006 10:41 AM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record
I, as usual, am going to be my ol' fence-sitting moderate self.

I'm not a huge fan of the tribute album (ANY tribute album, with the exception of a few cuts off of the Elton John album, and only because they did a better job of the music than Elton himself did).

That being said, let's look at the stylistic and musical issues involved. ELP did not do simple 4/4 (and, when they were feeling REALLY adventurous, 6/8) music. It's VERY complex and VERY difficult to pull off in even the best of situations. Much like (ObCompuGeeky) Perl, in that only Perl can really effectively compile and run perl scripts, ELP can truly only do ELP well.

Not to say that it wasn't a valliant attempt, it's just that they had some very lofty standards to follow...

Just my $.03(Canadian).

ivan_2068 11-22-2006 08:53 PM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record
I don't trust in tributes, but there are some pretty good.

Forget the double CD and go with "Encores, Legends & Paradox" it's very good.


sharcnorris 11-23-2006 05:17 PM

Re: ELP "Tribute" record

Originally Posted by elpbss (Post 22613)
i think Encores, Legends & Paradox: A Tribute to ELP
is much better.

Ive only heard snippets on the Moon of the New one...Im Undecided.
I do agree with e that the Magna Carta Recordings, Especially the Contributions of Robert Berry are Really Original and Respectfull. His time with Emo on the "3" disc has given him a leg up. A very underrated Artist!!

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