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moses 09-15-2006 07:41 AM

The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr
I was in the mood to roll my Rs. These songs were a good fusion vehicle for that this week.

Holdsworth, Allan - House of Mirrors 07:47
Metheny, Pat - Too Soon Tomorrow 05:48
DiMeola, Al - Mediterranean Sundance 05:15
Ellefson, Randy - Weekend Warrior 04:55
Garcia, Al - Secret Correspondences 06:09
Scofield, John - Tomorrow Land 04:00
Gunn, Trey - Arrakis 05:21
Violent Silence - Torrential Rains 06:22
Salem Hill - Let Loose the Arrow 07:05
Gong - Crosscurrents 06:07
Weckl, Dave Band - Cultural Concurrence 08:05
Clay Green's Polysorbate Masquerade Band - Broken Mirror with Sand 02:43
Davis, Miles - Inamorata And Narration by Conrad Roberts 26:30
Fire Theft, The - Carry You 04:23
Cobham, Billy - Disfigured Mirrors 07:23
Soulive - Flurries 05:56
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Celestial Terrestrial Commuters 02:54

Rick and Roll 09-15-2006 08:42 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr

Originally Posted by moses (Post 22034)
I was in the mood to roll my Rs. These songs were a good fusion vehicle for that this week.

Holdsworth, Allan - House of Mirrors 07:47
Metheny, Pat - Too Soon Tomorrow 05:48
DiMeola, Al - Mediterranean Sundance 05:15
Ellefson, Randy - Weekend Warrior 04:55
Garcia, Al - Secret Correspondences 06:09
Scofield, John - Tomorrow Land 04:00
Gunn, Trey - Arrakis 05:21
Violent Silence - Torrential Rains 06:22
Salem Hill - Let Loose the Arrow 07:05
Gong - Crosscurrents 06:07
Weckl, Dave Band - Cultural Concurrence 08:05
Clay Green's Polysorbate Masquerade Band - Broken Mirror with Sand 02:43
Davis, Miles - Inamorata And Narration by Conrad Roberts 26:30
Fire Theft, The - Carry You 04:23
Cobham, Billy - Disfigured Mirrors 07:23
Soulive - Flurries 05:56
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Celestial Terrestrial Commuters 02:54 he related to Dave Ellefson, famous bassist for Megadeth, montrose, and countless others?

I LOVE Let Loose the of my very favortist songs.

Crosscurrents, Badass song - do you have the live version? I can't find that on CD.

Violent Silence, not familiar with them.

I could never roll my R's. Can't blow bubbles or pop my cheek either.

Are the songs related to rolling R's? i missed something..

moses 09-15-2006 08:59 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr
Randy Ellefson might be related... he's a guitarist, builds his own guitars, stuff like that. I don't honestly know too much about him.

I agree about Let Loose the Arrow, great tune. Love the pipe organ at the end!

There's a live version of Crosscurrents? I'll have to look around because it's not in The Fusion Reactor library!

Violent Silence is a Swedish band with two keyboard players, bass, drums, and vocals. No guitars, rather unique sounding. I like them.

Rick and Roll 09-15-2006 09:04 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr

Originally Posted by moses (Post 22036)
Randy Ellefson might be related... he's a guitarist, builds his own guitars, stuff like that. I don't honestly know too much about him.

I agree about Let Loose the Arrow, great tune. Love the pipe organ at the end!

There's a live version of Crosscurrents? I'll have to look around because it's not in The Fusion Reactor library!

Violent Silence is a Swedish band with two keyboard players, bass, drums, and vocals. No guitars, rather unique sounding. I like them.

Noted...I'll check em out.

PM's Gong Live, 1978 I think. Starts out with a great version of Downwind. Short record (as was the case then), Pierre in a dressing room scene on the cover.

Rick and Roll 09-16-2006 06:12 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr
Of course..songs have rr's in them . I can be dense you know. great idea!

Added Violent Silence from their my space link. Grrrrrreat stuff!

markstephens 09-20-2006 06:57 AM

Look Mom - No Guitar! (Violent Silence - Tripod)
I agrrrrree. Violent Silence is a really cool band. There are other good prog bands with no guitarist but none of them sound like Violent Silence. Very original sound.

That reminds me of another "no guitarist" band with a more fusion-y sound. . . Tripod! They might fit on Fusion Reactor some time. Have you ever played them on the show?

I really like Clay Green's Polysorbate Masquerade Band. The only problem is the song was so short! <Broken Mirror with Sand 02:43> Oh well.... I'd rather have a song seem too *short* than seem too *long* any day! :-)

Prog On!

moses 09-20-2006 09:02 AM

Re: Look Mom - No Guitar! (Violent Silence - Tripod)

Originally Posted by markstephens (Post 22089)
That reminds me of another "no guitarist" band with a more fusion-y sound. . . Tripod! They might fit on Fusion Reactor some time. Have you ever played them on the show?

I played some Tripod in episodes 82 and 94. Which means you're right, we're probably due for some more pretty soon!

GORT 09-20-2006 09:32 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr
this one must have took some thinking to put together:hrm:

Avian 09-20-2006 09:38 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr
I've noticed that some tracks in your shows sound low-fiedelity. They look okay as far as specs go - 192k, 44.1 Stereo, but they sound like a very low bitrate or something. Are you ripping some tracks differently than others?

Great show this week, BTW!

moses 09-20-2006 09:57 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr
Well that may be in part because ProgPositivity is a 64k mp3PRO station. Some of the tracks are ripped directly to 64k mp3PRO. Others are already 192k. The 64k ones might not be converting correctly the way I did it. Tell me to stop being so lazy, and in the future this won't happen. Yes, I'm well aware that converting a 64k mp3 to 192 won't improve its quality and will probably make it worse. It's confusing to explain in detail, but it was part of an easy way for me to put all the tracks in order for upload to the Moon. Like I said, less laziness will fix this.

Thanks for the positive comments on the show!

Avian 09-20-2006 10:28 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr
LOL - that explains it. I wonder if SAM is even recognizing it as an mp3pro file, since it sounds exactly like what you'd get by listening to mp3pro with a non mp3pro player. It's probably interpreting it as an mp3 file.

But if you've converted it to mp3, then double check that it's an actual mp3 file, and not mp3pro. Or there might be some other conversion problem in general if it is indeed an mp3 now.

moses 09-20-2006 10:37 AM

Re: The Fusion Reactor #111 - RRReactorrr

Originally Posted by Avian (Post 22097)
LOL - that explains it. I wonder if SAM is even recognizing it as an mp3pro file, since it sounds exactly like what you'd get by listening to mp3pro with a non mp3pro player. It's probably interpreting it as an mp3 file.

It's not SAM's fault, I was using another program that is probably doing the misinterpreting. SAM has no problems with the mp3pro files. I'll either have to do it the hard way or find new, more inventive ways to be lazy. :knowing:

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