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roger 08-07-2006 10:13 AM

OT-World of Warcraft
any other Wow players out there? I have a level 53 Undead Mage on Argent Dawn named Gaack. I love to listen to the moon while playing, as it seems to fit!


lamour 08-07-2006 12:10 PM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
I have a 60 human mage and 41 dwarf hunter on Zul'jin, a 28 troll shaman and 22 undead rogue on Bloodscalp, and a handful of other characters on other servers, but none on Argent Dawn. I've rarely played anything other than my mage since I rolled it. Mages rock.

Aural Moon FTW! ;-)

Lemur 08-08-2006 04:38 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
Man, all my friends are playing it, but I don't want to shell out the cash! I also don't want to spend the time, either. ;)

VAXman 08-08-2006 05:33 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft

This thread reads like one of those gobbledegook code worded email SPAMs.

Rick and Roll 08-08-2006 05:53 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by VAXman

This thread reads like one of those gobbledegook code worded email SPAMs.

Doesn't seem much different than some of the techie threads.

I have no idea either (like my children's card tournaments), but at least I find it entetaining to read.

Methem 08-08-2006 06:50 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
It's a game (if that isn't obvious :P). A massive multi-user game, obviously based on some sort of Tolkienish medieval fantasy setting. Levels (53), races (human, troll), and character classes/professions (mage, rogue) reflect some sort of Dungeons'n'Dragons style system, I suppose. And the heart of the game is obviously "hack'n'slash": you beat monsters (and other players), obtain better equipment (like weapons) for your character, gain experience (usually by beating the monsters), and advance in levels -- become better and tougher.

The other posts in this thread mention servers: so the game is obviously massive enough to have been distributed on several servers.

More or less similar games are, for example, Ultima Online and Everquest. The trendy term for this sort of games is MMORPG, or MMO*.

I have never played any of these particular games, so I might be wrong.


roger 08-08-2006 09:12 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
heh. that's pretty close, Methem! ;) though hack-and-slash is a big part, it's really about social interaction. guilds, and raiding parties, and quests with friends. my sons convinced me to start, and yes, I'm addicted.

a few more than several servers, though... (if you have trouble getting to the site, Tuesday is server-reset day...

Methem 08-08-2006 10:38 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by roger
heh. that's pretty close, Methem! ;) though hack-and-slash is a big part, it's really about social interaction. guilds, and raiding parties, and quests with friends. my sons convinced me to start, and yes, I'm addicted.

Thanks for the corrections, Roger. Yea, I thought it probably has more depth to it than just the h'n's part, but as usual I had... well... trouble expressing myself.


a few more than several servers, though... (if you have trouble getting to the site, Tuesday is server-reset day...
Multiple servers, that's what I meant. :)

I myself don't play games much anymore. I started playing MUDs (those text-based things that have plenty in common with MMORPGs) over ten years ago; at that point I quit most of the "normal" gaming. I no longer play MUDs either, except very occasionally, but I'm otherwise involved in that "scene". Sometimes I play ancient C64 or PC games on emulator.


roger 08-08-2006 11:16 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
cool. I had never done a lot of gaming, other than video games at the arcade during college (spending my ex's tips...).

I'm loving WoW, though. comes at the right time in my life. and it's summer, so I can play all day! :D

Methem 09-17-2011 02:32 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
Not exactly related to Warcraft, but if anyone here ever enjoyed playing those old/ancient "dungeon crawl" type games, "Dungeon Master", "Eye of the Beholder", etc., you might be interested in this Finnish indie game project:

tobytanzer 09-17-2011 08:16 PM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
Wow can be dangerously addictive. My son's roommate spent 18 hours a day ...skipped classes...for 2 1/2 years before his mom intervened...he spent some time in an hospital recovering from this addiction.
"Probably" safe for those who don't have an addiction tendency.

NorCalKurt 09-17-2011 09:01 PM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by tobytanzer (Post 47131)
Wow can be dangerously addictive. My son's roommate spent 18 hours a day ...skipped classes...for 2 1/2 years before his mom intervened...he spent some time in an hospital recovering from this addiction.
"Probably" safe for those who don't have an addiction tendency.

I've seen it too!

Yesspaz 09-19-2011 09:26 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
For your geekness:

roger 09-26-2011 08:09 PM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
though I still have my account, I haven't played for months, but at the time that I started this thread, I was going through a divorce and playing 10-15 hours a day. gave meaning to my life.

now I dabble in Minecraft, mostly to spend time with my sons!

lamour 09-28-2011 07:48 AM

Re: OT-World of Warcraft
yeah, I've taken a few months off here and there, and even though I've gone back to playing recently, I've largely abandoned PvE. My guild still raids. I'm just not interested. Seems like the fight mechanics are more convoluted than fun anymore. My sons are pretty hard core into PvP, so I've come back to do BGs and arenas, and I dabble in leveling some characters when I'm bored, but it's totally not the same. I have a couple 85s and a smattering of 80s who I haven't even played in the new expansion, and a ton of other assorted characters littered all over, but I still primarily focus on my mage.

I kinda wish Diablo III would come out already. lol

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